
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path... How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners... I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble.
Psalms 119:105, Psalms 1:1-2, Proverbs 4:11-12

Study Tips

The following is a portion "Finding Your Language" for our book Growing In God's Word.

We all have a “spiritual language when we begin reading God’s Word. Please know that I am not talking about the “gift of tounges.” I truly believe that God desires that not only do we hear Him, but that we understand Him in a way that speaks to our hearts personally. When the sign was hung on the Cross above Jesus, it was written in several languages, so that everyone there would be able to understand what it said. And on the day of Pentecost, again every language was represented. When we begin to read the Bible, we need to be able to understand what God’s Word is saying to us; otherwise, it falls on deaf ears. If you are having a hard time understanding His Word when you sit down for your quiet time, it may very well be that you are not in the right translation for the season you are in. I would like to explain what I have learned about my language over the years that might help you to become more “fluent” in yours so that you will see how God will grow us in His Word and speak to us at different times through the different translations to make His message clear to us.

When I first started reading the Bible, it was in the New International Version (NIV) and though it awakened me to His Word, I found myself struggling to really grasp what God was saying to me. Some days it seemed like I was reading English, but some days I felt like I was looking at something written in Greek. I felt very frustrated. I couldn’t understand why so many around me were crazy about the NIV when it left me feeling like I was only halfway full. Now, don’t get me wrong, I very much enjoyed my NIV Bible (and I do not begrudge anyone who uses this Bible on a daily basis), but part of me felt like I was missing, like I was only getting half of the message that God was trying to teach me. I tried a few other well-known translations, but that was worse. I couldn’t understand anything at all. Then one day I stumbled across the New Century Version (NCV) Bible, and to my hearts delight God’s Word exploded in me!

Looking back, I now understand why. You see, this was the Bible translation I needed at that time in my walk with God. There were things that God needed to prepare in me (and show me), and I was not getting it in other translations, because it wasnt time for me to be “in them.” My friend, God is so good at knowing how to prepare us for what He has for us to do, and several years later (where I am at now), I can see the difference. The NCV gave me God’s Word in a simple language that was more personal, which is what I needed at the time. Though it is a thought for thought” translation, it took me (at the time) deeper into His Word in a way that I could begin to walk with Him.” Basically, it gave me milk, that I needed as a “baby Christian.” Now I AM NOT saying that this is the translation everyone should start out with; but for ME (because of what God was preparing me for) it was perfect.
  • Please hear me when I say that this is where God met ME in His Word-- and though He met me here in a simpler writing-- know that He didn’t let me stay here! God very much wanted to grow me, and “GROW ME” He did!

When God first started making Himself known to me, He did it in little ways so that I could recognize His voice, and even His handprints. Also in the NCV as a baby Bible student” (even though I had always BELIEVE there was a God, and that Jesus was His Son, I was a baby in coming into His Word), it spoke to me in ways that I could accept it as being from God to me. Now, at the time, I still took my NIV Bible to church and used it for online studies, but for my own personal walk (and growing in a deeper relationship between just Him and me), the NCV allowed me to accept His Word more personally. For instance, one night in a very difficult time I sat crying in my car asking God, “Am I on the right path? Am I even on a TRUE path?” I just so needed to know if I was going in the direction He wanted me to go, or was I being deceived and following something my own heart was leading me to believe, instead. As I went to bed that night, I realized that even though I had read Scriptures earlier that day online, I had not read my DAILY Bible. So, I got back up and opened it to the correct page for the day, and this is what I read:

My child, listen and accept what I say. Then you will have a long life. I am guiding you in the way of wisdom, and I am leading you on the right path. Nothing will hold you back; you will not be overwhelmed. Always remember what you have been taught, and don't let go of it. Keep all that you have learned; it is the most important thing in life (Pr. 4:10-13 NCV).

Because of my hurting heart” the fact that the verse started out with My child it was as if God was wrapping His arms around me, and my heart eagerly accepted His embrace. In most other translations it says “My son…” and I can tell you that the night I am writing about, my heart and mind were not in a state where I could have easily accepted this wording as God speaking to me. Now I know that when doing a deeper study, it is easy to see when God is speaking to males specifically, and when it can be applied to people meaning that the gender being spoken to was in general. However, because of the way my daily Bible stated it, ( and in my hurting heart) I heard God’s love as a father to me.

It also said, I am leading you on the right path.” This was exactly what I had been praying about and earlier in the day. It was what I needed to know, and here it was.  Something else about that night was that I realized it had been a “God thing that I had not been able to read my Bible earlier in the day-- because when I really needed to see it, was after I had prayed. God’s timing was perfect; there was no way I could have known that this was the verse waiting for me that night.

The extremely interesting thing about this whole incident is that just the other day (as I write this), I was praying about a situation that has come up. It seems like I am again at a standstill, and looking at where I am at during this time, I was questioning if I am still where God wants me to be, or have I got off track somehow... I sat in the place where I like to pray and went over things in my mind. I laid it all before God, seeking direction. Proverbs 4 came to mind, and I realized it has been quite a while since I had actually just read it, instead of quoting it from memory. For some reason (which makes sense to me now), I couldn’t bring all the words to mind like I usually could. So I opened my Bible, that I had with me, to I could read it.

 Now the Bible I have started taking down to the river with me this past summer, is the New American Standard Bible (NASB). My other Bibles---  the NCV, NIV, and even my New King James Bibles (NKJV) are all too bulky-- and have way too many notes and things in them that could get messed up at the river. Therefore, over the summer I went and bought a small NASB, that I could take with me when I want to go down to sit by the water and meditate on God’s Word. (I actually have a larger NASB and an English Standard Bible too, but they are more for in-depth studies, and my writing and teaching.)

So anyway, while I was at the river the other day contemplating my situation and praying, and seeking God’s direction, I opened my (NASB) Bible to Proverbs 4 and read: Hear, my son, and accept my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have directed you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in upright paths. When you walk, your steps will not be impeded; and if you run, you will not stumble. Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.

The first thing that really struck me was accept my sayings” because sometimes we can hear something from God, but not really accept it, and until we do, the message can’t be rooted into our hearts. This is very important in our walk with God. I also smiled as I read it for the words I have led you…” gave my heart peace. But, something I realized was that four years ago (when I was asking am I on the right path?”),  I needed to see that, YES God was leading me, which was how the NCV helped me to see it before when I read “I am leading you on the right path…”  But, in the season I am in now (and the situation I am facing), I needed the assurance that I was STILL where God wanted me be, and that I had not gotten off track somehow. Seeing the verse read as, I have led you…” gave me the peace I needed for this time in my life.

When I got home that day I also looked up Proverbs 4 in my NKJV-- just to see how it read in a different translation--  and was delighted (and even more encouraged) because it said:

Hear, my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life will be many. I have taught you in the way of wisdom; I have led you in right paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hindered, and when you run, you will not stumble. Take firm hold of instruction, do not let go; keep her, for she is your life (Pr. 4:10-13 NKJV).

The verses in the translations mean pretty much the same thing, but because of the slight wording difference, both translations have spoken to me in the way I was seeking God’s direction at different seasons in my life. When I was just beginning, God knew that I needed a Bible that was worded in a way that my heart could hear Him (and that would help me) on the journey I was starting. Plus, He knew how (and what) I would be praying, so He placed in my hand a Bible that would speak to me in a way I could understand, but that didn’t change His Word-- well  that didnt change the overall  meaning-- and was in a simple writing style that I could relate to at the time. Looking back now, I realize it was the “milk of His Word” I needed as a newly baptized Christian (and student of His Word). Also, before I needed assurance that “He WAS” (because He was getting me ready to start a new journey), but now I am strengthened in knowing He HAS (because I can look back and see how far I have come, and I have more convidence in where He has me, and what has called me to do).

     As I grew in His Word, God slowly brought me into other (stronger) “word for word” translations that now speak to me in such a powerful way that it makes me wonder, Why couldn’t I understand that before…” The simple reason is that at different times I (we) need to be able to be given His Word in bite-size pieces that fit the season we are in. The lesson here is that sometimes we simply need time to feed only on milk until we are ready for more solid food.

>> Click here to read the whole chapter of Find Your Language....

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